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             table_howto8.html (8.61 kB)
             table_howto9.html (9.07 kB)
             table_iconex1.html (16.52 kB)
             table_mex0.html (11.98 kB)
             table_mex00.html (7.86 kB)
             table_mex1.html (12.83 kB)
             table_mex3.html (14.91 kB)
             table_vtext.html (9.85 kB)
             tablebarex1.html (17.62 kB)
             textalignex1.html (22.00 kB)
             textpalignex1.html (9.90 kB)
             timestampex01.html (13.25 kB)
             titleex1.html (7.45 kB)
             topxaxisex1.html (9.49 kB)
             windrose_2plots_ex1.html (10.32 kB)
             windrose_bgimg_ex1.html (13.40 kB)
             windrose_ex0.html (5.95 kB)
             windrose_ex1.html (6.93 kB)
             windrose_ex2.html (10.47 kB)
             windrose_ex3.html (19.57 kB)
             windrose_ex4.html (12.83 kB)
             windrose_ex5.html (25.42 kB)
             windrose_ex6.1.html (20.44 kB)
             windrose_ex6.html (16.76 kB)
             windrose_ex7.1.html (16.25 kB)
             windrose_ex7.html (13.17 kB)
             windrose_ex8.1.html (12.33 kB)
             windrose_ex8.html (11.81 kB)
             windrose_ex9.1.html (14.15 kB)
             windrose_ex9.html (10.94 kB)
             windrose_icon_ex1.html (8.41 kB)
             windrose_layout_ex0.html (12.72 kB)
             windrose_layout_ex1.html (16.61 kB)
             y2synch.html (14.89 kB)
             y2synch2.html (14.89 kB)
          Appendix A. How this manual was produced (10.97 kB)
          Appendix B. JpGraph Professional License (6.09 kB)
          B.2. Bulk (Re-seller license) (5.62 kB)
          Appendix C. FAQ (125.13 kB)
          Appendix D. Named color list (82.10 kB)
          Appendix E. Available plot marks (8.52 kB)
          E.2. Built in image plot marks (6.81 kB)
          Appendix F. List of all country flags (58.98 kB)
          Appendix G. List of files included in the library (15.00 kB)
          Appendix H. Error messages (55.67 kB)
          H.2. QR 2D Barcode error messages (17.97 kB)
          H.3. Datamatrix 2D barcode error messages (11.09 kB)
          Appendix I. Compiling PHP (7.84 kB)
          I.2. Compiling PHP5 (4.60 kB)
          Appendix J. Setting up PHP5 in parallel with PHP4 in SuSE 10.1 (9.55 kB)
          J.2. Making sure you have the correct Apache2 setup (3.31 kB)
          J.3. Approaches to running multiple PHP versions (4.47 kB)
          J.4. Outline of the remainder of the chapter (3.79 kB)
          J.5. Part I - Installing PHP4 (12.30 kB)
          J.6. Part II - Creating a virtual host (5.29 kB)
          J.7. Part III - Installing PHP5 (3.90 kB)
          J.8. Part IV - Verifying the setup (5.55 kB)
          Appendix K. Why it is not possible to add a SVG backend to JpGraph (3.37 kB)
          K.2. Summary of findings (2.63 kB)
          K.3. Detailing the issue (9.99 kB)
          Appendix L. The JpGraph configuration file (24.01 kB)
          Chapter 1. About the library (4.47 kB)
          1.2. Software license (3.08 kB)
          1.3. Versions of the library covered (4.68 kB)
          1.4. Purpose and usage (10.47 kB)
          1.5. Prerequisites for running the library (2.87 kB)
          1.6. Who can use the library (2.41 kB)
          1.7. What you can do with the library (4.14 kB)
          1.8. What you shouldn't or cannot do with this library (4.52 kB)
          1.9. Feature-matrix for the library (22.29 kB)
          1.10. Where to find additional information (13.44 kB)
          1.11. Known bugs and omissions (3.96 kB)
          Chapter 2. The Short Version: Installing the library (for PHP/Apache experts) (6.75 kB)
          2.2. Running the examples (2.93 kB)
          2.3. Basic trouble shooting (3.44 kB)
          Chapter 3. The Long Version: Installing the Library (8.69 kB)
          3.2. Necessary system requirements for the library (40.45 kB)
          3.3. Installing the library (32.25 kB)
          3.4. Installing and configuring Font support (15.62 kB)
          3.5. Adapting and customizing the installation (4.72 kB)
          3.6. Verifying the library installation (4.09 kB)
          3.7. Troubleshooting the installation (11.97 kB)
          Chapter 4. Your first graph script (3.97 kB)
          4.2. Graphing the number of sun spots during the 19th Century (50.17 kB)
          Chapter 5. Fundamentals of dynamic graph generation (6.98 kB)
          5.2. What is an image? (5.98 kB)
          5.3. Static vs dynamic images (3.71 kB)
          5.4. Dynamic images on the command line (4.02 kB)
          5.5. How to generate images with JpGraph library (28.92 kB)
          5.6. Efficient graph generation using the built-in cache subsystem (7.96 kB)
          Chapter 6. Error handling (8.01 kB)
          6.2. Available error messages (7.37 kB)
          6.3. Using PHP Exceptions (13.05 kB)
          6.4. Adding a new locale (3.29 kB)
          Chapter 7. Color handling (4.53 kB)
          7.2. Specifying colors by RGB triples (2.72 kB)
          7.3. Using HTML color specifications (2.53 kB)
          7.4. Fine tuning the color (9.12 kB)
          7.5. Additional color handling (3.00 kB)
          Chapter 8. Text and font handling (10.24 kB)
          8.2. Font families and font styles (15.97 kB)
          8.3. Understanding text alignment and anchor point (5.38 kB)
          8.4. Rotating text (4.92 kB)
          8.5. Formatting text paragraphs (5.12 kB)
          8.6. Adding custom TTF fonts (5.25 kB)
          8.7. Inserting Unicode entities (12.66 kB)
          8.8. Character encoding (12.19 kB)
          Chapter 9. Using the JpGraph cache system (6.42 kB)
          9.2. Permission settings for the cache files (3.23 kB)
          9.3. Using the cache in your script (14.74 kB)
          9.4. Using the cache with Client Side Image Maps (CSIM) (9.66 kB)
          Chapter 10. Using CSIM (Client side image maps) (7.58 kB)
          10.2. The basic structure of an image map script (4.05 kB)
          10.3. Specifying targets for image map plots (4.02 kB)
          10.4. Using StrokeCSIM() (11.05 kB)
          10.5. Getting hold of the image map (3.83 kB)
          10.6. Mixing several CSIM images in an HTML page with text (43.82 kB)
          Chapter 11. NuSphere PHP accelerator (3.81 kB)
          11.2. Installing PhpExpress (3.54 kB)
          Chapter 12. Commonalities for all graphs (9.17 kB)
          12.2. Common object for Pie Graphs (5.62 kB)
          Chapter 13. Getting hold of the data to be displayed (4.94 kB)
          13.2. Reading data from a file (9.69 kB)
          13.3. Sending data to a graph script with URI arguments (GET and POST) (32.23 kB)
          13.4. Reading data from a database (3.71 kB)
          13.5. Reading binary data from a file (3.41 kB)
          13.6. Different types of NULL data handling (5.62 kB)
          13.7. Troubleshooting input data (5.68 kB)
          Chapter 14. Common features for all Cartesian (x,y) graph types (38.08 kB)
          14.2. Specifying and formatting the overall displayed graph (41.89 kB)
          14.3. Adjusting the look and feel of the plot area (6.93 kB)
          14.4. Adjusting the position and layout of the legend (10.88 kB)
          14.5. Other formatting options of the axis (5.40 kB)
          14.6. Using multiple y-axis (11.12 kB)
          14.7. Understanding and using different scales on the axis (27.36 kB)
          14.8. Adjusting the appearance of the scale labels (47.87 kB)
          14.9. Using a logarithmic scale (12.56 kB)
          14.10. Using a date/time scale (64.67 kB)
          14.11. Adding shearing image transformation to the graph (8.60 kB)
          14.12. Rotating graphs (13.91 kB)
          14.13. Using anti-aliasing in the graph generation (13.66 kB)
          14.14. Adding icons (and small images) to the graph (7.66 kB)
          14.15. Adding images and country flags to the background of the graph (11.91 kB)
          14.16. Using background gradients (9.20 kB)
          14.17. Adding arbitrary texts to the graph (8.62 kB)
          Chapter 15. Different types of linear (cartesian) graph types (175.27 kB)
          15.2. Bar graphs (58.45 kB)
          15.3. Error plot graphs (9.14 kB)
          15.4. Stock graphs (8.64 kB)
          15.5. Scatter graphs (45.74 kB)
          15.6. Contour graphs (44.83 kB)
          15.7. Combining several different plot types in the same graph (8.33 kB)
          15.8. Creating several graphs in the same image (28.82 kB)
          15.9. Creating several graphs in the same image (28.83 kB)
          Chapter 16. Non-Linear graph types (90.86 kB)
          16.2. Radar graphs (43.92 kB)
          16.3. Polar graphs (26.22 kB)
          16.4. Gantt charts (182.16 kB)
          Chapter 17. Additional graph types (17.62 kB)
          17.2. Captcha generation (8.75 kB)
          17.3. Canvas graphs (47.73 kB)
          17.4. Matrix visualization (1.81 kB)
          Chapter 18. Miscellaneous formatting and tools (22.42 kB)
          Chapter 19. Graphical tables (7.00 kB)
          19.2. Constructing tables (48.45 kB)
          19.3. CSIM Table support (2.35 kB)
          19.4. Table API Overview (14.25 kB)
          19.5. Examples (5.93 kB)
          19.6. Case study: Adding a table to a bar graph (20.85 kB)
          Chapter 20. Odometer (7.27 kB)
          20.2. Creating and formatting basic odometer graphs (54.46 kB)
          20.3. Working with the odometer scale (23.98 kB)
          20.4. Adding and positioning multiple odometers to a graph (23.17 kB)
          20.5. Adding icon and text objects to the graph (16.53 kB)
          Chapter 21. Windrose (25.46 kB)
          21.2. Creating and formatting basic Windrose graphs (37.68 kB)
          21.3. Formatting the plot (22.29 kB)
          21.4. Some more advanced formatting (22.56 kB)
          21.5. Adding icon and text objects to the graph (24.09 kB)
          21.6. Using layout classes to position Windrose plots (31.57 kB)
          21.7. Example section (153.86 kB)
          Chapter 22. Matrix graphs (9.82 kB)
          22.2. Creating and formatting a basic matrix graph (16.22 kB)
          22.3. Mesh interpolating of input data (5.98 kB)
          22.4. Formatting the matrix plot (34.16 kB)
          22.5. Adding icon and text objects to the graph (42.56 kB)
          22.6. Adding marker lines to the matrix plot (5.97 kB)
          22.7. Using layout classes to position matrix plots (22.71 kB)
          22.8. Built in color maps (4.54 kB)
          22.9. Using CSIM with matrix plots (29.06 kB)
          22.10. Matrix graph examples (2.38 kB)
          Chapter 23. Filled contour graphs (25.34 kB)
          23.2. How does linear barcodes work? (4.35 kB)
          23.3. Barcode symbologies (5.50 kB)
          23.4. Features (6.77 kB)
          23.5. Creating barcodes - quick start (8.15 kB)
          23.6. Error handling (9.30 kB)
          23.7. Generating barcodes on the command line (3.91 kB)
          23.8. Format options for barcodes (20.95 kB)
          23.9. Short description of supported symbologies (33.48 kB)
          Chapter 24. Linear Barcodes (One Dimensional Barcodes) (10.55 kB)
          24.2. How does linear barcodes work? (4.35 kB)
          24.3. Barcode symbologies (5.50 kB)
          24.4. Features (6.77 kB)
          24.5. Creating barcodes - quick start (8.15 kB)
          24.6. Error handling (9.30 kB)
          24.7. Generating barcodes on the command line (3.91 kB)
          24.8. Format options for barcodes (20.95 kB)
          24.9. Short description of supported symbologies (33.48 kB)
          Chapter 25. PDF417 (2D-Barcode) (15.75 kB)
          25.2. Creating barcodes (7.63 kB)
          25.3. Creating barcodes (22.85 kB)
          25.4. Specifying the PDF417 parameters (34.75 kB)
          25.5. Adjusting the output (9.76 kB)
          25.6. A template to create barcodes (7.96 kB)
          25.7. Method reference (21.01 kB)
          25.8. Example scripts (29.67 kB)
          Chapter 26. Datamatrix (2D-Barcode) (31.87 kB)
          26.2. Creating barcodes (57.95 kB)
          26.3. Example script (27.01 kB)
          Chapter 27. QR (2D-Barcode) (83.38 kB)
          27.2. Creating barcodes (66.39 kB)
          27.3. Example scripts (50.73 kB)
          Chapter 28. Synchronized Y-axis (20.72 kB)
          Chapter 29. USPS Confirmation Barcodes (27.70 kB)
          29.2. Step 1: Parsing the log file (39.52 kB)
          29.3. Step 2: Creating the graph (18.28 kB)
          29.4. Step 3: Uploading the image file to a server (12.97 kB)
          29.5. Step 0: The full driver script (67.90 kB)
          Chapter 30. Showing SPAM statistics (16.54 kB)
          30.2. Step 1: Parsing the log file (39.52 kB)
          30.3. Step 2: Creating the graph (18.28 kB)
          30.4. Step 3: Uploading the image file to a server (12.97 kB)
          30.5. Step 0: The full driver script (67.90 kB)
          30.6. References (2.36 kB)
          Chapter 31. Creating Critical chain buffer penetration charts (17.93 kB)
          31.2. Creating a utility class to construct CC BP charts (23.51 kB)
          31.3. The Init() method (7.39 kB)
          31.4. Suggested improvements (4.08 kB)
          31.5. The implementation of class CCBPGraph (66.57 kB)
          31.6. References (2.36 kB)
          Preface and history of the JpGraph library (8.70 kB)
          Part I. Installing and verifying the configuring (7.04 kB)
          Part II. Basic graph creation (10.86 kB)
          Part III. Common features (10.97 kB)
          Part IV. Creating linear and non-linear graphs (12.99 kB)
          Part V. Additional graph types available in the professional version (15.00 kB)
          Part VI. Barcodes (14.43 kB)
          Part VII. Case studies (4.01 kB)
          Part VIII. Appendices (7.34 kB)
          AccBarPlot.html (9.10 kB)
          AccLinePlot.html (11.16 kB)
          AntiSpam.html (10.34 kB)
          Axis.html (10.73 kB)
          AxisPrototype.html (76.45 kB)
          BarPlot.html (32.76 kB)
          Bezier.html (12.00 kB)
          BoxPlot.html (7.33 kB)
          CanvasGraph.html (18.43 kB)
          CanvasRectangleText.html (39.77 kB)
          CanvasScale.html (16.16 kB)
          ColorFactory.html (2.72 kB)
          Contour.html (17.34 kB)
          ContourPlot.html (17.24 kB)
          DateLocale.html (23.19 kB)
          DateScale.html (11.56 kB)
          DateScaleUtils.html (17.21 kB)
          DigitalLED74.html (11.67 kB)
          DisplayValue.html (28.25 kB)
          ErrMsgText.html (2.91 kB)
          ErrorLinePlot.html (5.29 kB)
          ErrorPlot.html (5.12 kB)
          FieldArrow.html (7.08 kB)
          FieldPlot.html (13.57 kB)
          Footer.html (5.75 kB)
          FuncGenerator.html (12.86 kB)
          GTextTable.html (185.48 kB)
          GanttActivityInfo.html (25.20 kB)
          GanttBar.html (20.58 kB)
          GanttGraph.html (41.95 kB)
          GanttPlotObject.html (15.32 kB)
          GanttScale.html (15.05 kB)
          GanttVLine.html (12.57 kB)
          Graph.html (189.58 kB)
          GraphTabTitle.html (16.40 kB)
          Grid.html (14.02 kB)
          GroupBarPlot.html (6.30 kB)
          HeaderProperty.html (30.54 kB)
          HorizontalGridLine.html (7.72 kB)
          IconImage.html (9.93 kB)
          IconPlot.html (33.41 kB)
          Image.html (24.30 kB)
          ImgTrans.html (20.61 kB)
          JpGraphException.html (5.92 kB)
          JpGraphExceptionL.html (5.82 kB)
          LayoutHor.html (6.79 kB)
          LayoutRect.html (8.42 kB)
          LayoutVert.html (6.87 kB)
          Legend.html (44.02 kB)
          LegendStyle.html (26.14 kB)
          LineErrorPlot.html (5.01 kB)
          LinePlot.html (29.18 kB)
          LineProperty.html (11.80 kB)
          LinearRegression.html (7.38 kB)
          LinearScale.html (12.53 kB)
          LinearTicks.html (17.33 kB)
          LogScale.html (5.95 kB)
          LogTicks.html (5.61 kB)
          MGraph.html (29.00 kB)
          MatrixGraph.html (15.71 kB)
          MatrixLegend.html (24.65 kB)
          MatrixPlot.html (25.87 kB)
          MeshInterpolate.html (5.31 kB)
          MileStone.html (6.96 kB)
          OdoGraph.html (13.28 kB)
          OdoNeedle.html (16.51 kB)
          OdoScale.html (17.29 kB)
          Odometer.html (21.04 kB)
          OdometerLabel.html (5.07 kB)
          PieGraph.html (18.55 kB)
          PiePlot.html (52.10 kB)
          PiePlot3D.html (29.98 kB)
          PiePlotC.html (18.16 kB)
          Plot.html (17.73 kB)
          PlotBand.html (20.43 kB)
          PlotLine.html (20.23 kB)
          PlotMark.html (45.02 kB)
          PolarAxis.html (25.07 kB)
          PolarGraph.html (25.34 kB)
          PolarPlot.html (16.64 kB)
          Progress.html (9.50 kB)
          RadarAxis.html (5.21 kB)
          RadarGraph.html (36.56 kB)
          RadarGrid.html (6.80 kB)
          RadarLinearTicks.html (6.31 kB)
          RadarLogTicks.html (3.15 kB)
          RadarPlot.html (17.52 kB)
          ReadFileData.html (3.49 kB)
          RectLayout.html (2.65 kB)
          RotImage.html (15.23 kB)
          ScatterPlot.html (11.70 kB)
          Shape.html (50.29 kB)
          Spline.html (8.48 kB)
          StockPlot.html (12.37 kB)
          SuperScriptText.html (18.25 kB)
          SymChar.html (3.68 kB)
          Text.html (64.07 kB)
          TextProperty.html (14.12 kB)
          Ticks.html (24.51 kB)
          WindroseGraph.html (15.72 kB)
          WindrosePlot.html (61.02 kB)
          WindrosePlotScale.html (26.87 kB)
          Class index (150.14 kB)
          projinfo.html (0.74 kB)
          accbarex1.php (0.98 kB)
          accbarframeex01.php (0.79 kB)
          accbarframeex02.php (0.84 kB)
          accbarframeex03.php (0.89 kB)
          alphabarex1.php (2.02 kB)
          antispamex01.php (0.47 kB)
          axislabelbkgex01.php (0.88 kB)
          axislabelbkgex02.php (0.88 kB)
          axislabelbkgex03.php (0.88 kB)
          axislabelbkgex04.php (0.89 kB)
          axislabelbkgex05.php (0.89 kB)
          axislabelbkgex06.php (0.88 kB)
          axislabelbkgex07.php (0.88 kB)
          background_type_ex0.php (0.98 kB)
          background_type_ex1.php (0.99 kB)
          background_type_ex2.php (0.98 kB)
          background_type_ex3.php (0.99 kB)
          background_type_ex4.php (0.99 kB)
          backgroundex01.php (1.19 kB)
          backgroundex02.php (1.18 kB)
          backgroundex03.php (1.19 kB)
          balloonex1.php (1.52 kB)
          balloonex2.php (2.16 kB)
          bar2scalesex1.php (1.23 kB)
          bar_csimex1.php (1.54 kB)
          bar_csimex2.php (1.53 kB)
          bar_csimex3.php (2.87 kB)
          barcsim_popup.php (1.30 kB)
          barformatcallbackex1.php (0.72 kB)
          bargradex1.php (1.29 kB)
          bargradex2.php (1.29 kB)
          bargradex3.php (1.42 kB)
          bargradex4.php (1.28 kB)
          bargradex5.php (1.46 kB)
          bargradex6.php (1.46 kB)
          bargradsmallex1.php (0.76 kB)
          bargradsmallex2.php (0.76 kB)
          bargradsmallex3.php (0.76 kB)
          bargradsmallex4.php (0.76 kB)
          bargradsmallex5.php (0.77 kB)
          bargradsmallex6.php (0.77 kB)
          bargradsmallex7.php (0.76 kB)
          bargradsmallex8.php (0.77 kB)
          barimgex1.php (0.70 kB)
          barintex1.php (1.44 kB)
          barintex2.php (1.71 kB)
          barline_csimex1.php (1.10 kB)
          barlinealphaex1.php (1.86 kB)
          barlinefreq_csimex1.php (2.66 kB)
          barlinefreqex1.php (2.05 kB)
          barpatternex1.php (0.77 kB)
          barscalecallbackex1.php (1.82 kB)
          bartutex1.php (0.70 kB)
          bartutex12.php (2.41 kB)
          bartutex2.php (0.80 kB)
          bartutex3.php (0.88 kB)
          bartutex4.php (1.05 kB)
          bartutex5.php (0.94 kB)
          bartutex6.php (0.95 kB)
          basic_contourex01.php (1.10 kB)
          basic_contourex02.php (1.18 kB)
          basic_contourex03-1.php (0.89 kB)
          basic_contourex03-2.php (0.89 kB)
          basic_contourex03-3.php (0.89 kB)
          basic_contourex04.php (1.18 kB)
          basic_contourex05.php (1.24 kB)
          bezierex1.php (1.40 kB)
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          example25.php (0.95 kB)
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          example26.php (0.31 kB)
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          example27.3.php (0.49 kB)
          example27.php (0.49 kB)
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          example28.2.php (0.43 kB)
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          example28.php (0.43 kB)
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          ganttmonthyearex4.php (2.37 kB)
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          pie3dex3.php (0.93 kB)
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          piec_csimex1.php (2.60 kB)
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          pieex1.php (0.70 kB)
          pieex2.php (0.50 kB)
          pieex3.php (1.04 kB)
          pieex4.php (0.52 kB)
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          pieex7.php (1.10 kB)
          pieex8.php (0.68 kB)
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          pielabelsex2.php (0.87 kB)
          pielabelsex3.php (0.92 kB)
          pielabelsex4.php (0.87 kB)
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          plotbanddensity_ex1.php (0.84 kB)
          plotbanddensity_ex2.php (0.84 kB)
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          polar_csimex1.php (1.75 kB)
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          polarclockex2.php (1.29 kB)
          polarex0-180.php (0.57 kB)
          polarex0.php (0.55 kB)
          polarex1.php (0.69 kB)
          polarex10.php (1.59 kB)
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          polarex3-lin.php (0.69 kB)
          polarex3.php (0.69 kB)
          polarex4.php (0.74 kB)
          polarex5.php (0.81 kB)
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          polarex7-1.php (1.28 kB)
          polarex7-2.php (1.27 kB)
          polarex7.php (1.35 kB)
          polarex8.php (1.35 kB)
          polarex9.php (1.59 kB)
          prepaccdata_example.php (1.52 kB)
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          radarex2.php (0.50 kB)
          radarex3.php (0.49 kB)
          radarex4.php (0.62 kB)
          radarex5.php (0.60 kB)
          radarex6.1.php (1.01 kB)
          radarex6.php (0.80 kB)
          radarex7.php (1.21 kB)
          radarex8.1.php (1.21 kB)
          radarex8.php (1.21 kB)
          radarex9.php (0.92 kB)
          radarlogex1-aa.php (1.59 kB)
          radarlogex1.php (1.44 kB)
          radarlogex2.php (1.26 kB)
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          rotex1.php (0.44 kB)
          rotex2.php (0.44 kB)
          rotex3.php (0.49 kB)
          rotex4.php (0.49 kB)
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          scatterex2.php (0.61 kB)
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          scatterlinkex3.php (0.94 kB)
          scatterlinkex4.php (0.96 kB)
          scatterrotex1.php (0.97 kB)
          Test suite for JpGraph - (0.63 kB)
          Image (0.31 kB)
          show-source.php (0.06 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex1.php (0.98 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex10.php (0.99 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex11.php (0.99 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex2.php (0.98 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex3.php (0.98 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex4.php (1.02 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex5.php (1.02 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex6.php (0.98 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex7.php (0.98 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex8.php (0.98 kB)
          smallstaticbandsex9.php (0.98 kB)
          splineex1.php (1.43 kB)
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          staticbandbarex2.php (1.34 kB)
          staticbandbarex3.php (1.52 kB)
          staticbandbarex4.php (1.60 kB)
          staticbandbarex5.php (1.70 kB)
          staticbandbarex6.php (2.18 kB)
          staticbandbarex7.php (1.71 kB)
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          stockex2.php (0.90 kB)
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          sunspotsex2.php (1.33 kB)
          sunspotsex3.php (1.37 kB)
          sunspotsex4.php (1.40 kB)
          sunspotsex5.php (1.45 kB)
          sunspotsex6.php (1.29 kB)
          sunspotsex7.php (1.42 kB)
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          y2synch.php (1.56 kB)
          y2synch2.php (1.56 kB)
          findpolygon.php (29.39 kB)
          tri-quad.php (29.52 kB)
          de.inc.php (42.46 kB)
          en.inc.php (37.18 kB)
          prod.inc.php (18.45 kB)
       gd_image.inc.php (72.36 kB)
       imgdata_balls.inc.php (54.18 kB)
       imgdata_bevels.inc.php (4.62 kB)
       imgdata_diamonds.inc.php (8.47 kB)
       imgdata_pushpins.inc.php (27.65 kB)
       imgdata_squares.inc.php (6.91 kB)
       imgdata_stars.inc.php (6.76 kB)
       jpg-config.inc.php (5.75 kB)
       jpgraph.php (193.67 kB)
       jpgraph_antispam.php (40.50 kB)
       jpgraph_bar.php (44.27 kB)
       jpgraph_contour.php (20.59 kB)
       jpgraph_date.php (19.62 kB)
       jpgraph_errhandler.inc.php (11.61 kB)
       jpgraph_error.php (4.82 kB)
       jpgraph_gantt.php (156.72 kB)
       jpgraph_gb2312.php (123.09 kB)
       jpgraph_gradient.php (16.85 kB)
       jpgraph_iconplot.php (5.91 kB)
       jpgraph_led.php (11.70 kB)
       jpgraph_legend.inc.php (16.79 kB)
       jpgraph_line.php (23.24 kB)
       jpgraph_log.php (10.80 kB)
       jpgraph_meshinterpolate.inc.php (3.79 kB)
       jpgraph_mgraph.php (12.04 kB)
       jpgraph_pie.php (52.32 kB)
       jpgraph_pie3d.php (31.17 kB)
       jpgraph_plotband.php (20.57 kB)
       jpgraph_plotline.php (4.06 kB)
       jpgraph_plotmark.inc.php (17.17 kB)
       jpgraph_polar.php (29.71 kB)
       jpgraph_radar.php (28.14 kB)
       jpgraph_regstat.php (7.11 kB)
       jpgraph_rgb.inc.php (26.31 kB)
       jpgraph_scatter.php (7.76 kB)
       jpgraph_stock.php (6.07 kB)
       jpgraph_text.inc.php (10.07 kB)
       jpgraph_ttf.inc.php (20.75 kB)
       jpgraph_utils.inc.php (24.80 kB)
       Examples using phpmailer (3.69 kB)
       PHPMailer FAQ (3.34 kB)
       contents.html (0.77 kB)
       PHPMailer - MySQL Database - SMTP basic test with authentication (2.14 kB)
       PHPMailer - Mail() advanced test (1.14 kB)
       PHPMailer - Mail() basic test (0.99 kB)
       POP before SMTP Test (1.34 kB)
       POP before SMTP Test (1.13 kB)
       PHPMailer - Sendmail advanced test (1.18 kB)
       PHPMailer - Sendmail basic test (1.06 kB)
       PHPMailer - Sendmail basic test (1.05 kB)
       PHPMailer - SMTP advanced test with authentication (1.80 kB)
       PHPMailer - SMTP advanced test with no authentication (1.44 kB)
       PHPMailer - SMTP basic test with authentication (1.82 kB)
       PHPMailer - SMTP basic test with no authentication (1.47 kB)
       PHPMailer - SMTP (Gmail) advanced test (1.87 kB)
       PHPMailer - SMTP (Gmail) basic test (1.87 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-ar.php (1.76 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-br.php (1.65 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-ca.php (1.57 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-ch.php (1.42 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-cz.php (1.50 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-de.php (1.67 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-dk.php (1.51 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-et.php (1.55 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-fi.php (1.63 kB)
       phpmailer.lang-fo.php (1.62 kB)
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    aboutus.html (12.49 kB)
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    Program : Show Entry (13.33 kB)
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    Program : Edit & Delete (2.52 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.53 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.54 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.51 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.51 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.52 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.51 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.51 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.51 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.51 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.51 kB)
    Program : Edit & Delete (2.44 kB)
    µÔ´µèÍàÃÒ (1.12 kB)
    µÔ´µèÍàÃÒ (0.99 kB)
    Program : Show Entry (18.07 kB)
    auto-province example (2.62 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (6.28 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (7.64 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (20.65 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (18.07 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (19.68 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (8.13 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (7.88 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (8.14 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (7.89 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (8.13 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (6.83 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (6.87 kB)
    Program-ADR (0.75 kB)
    Program-Cancer patient referral (0.78 kB)
    Program : Show Entry (17.25 kB)
    Program : Show Entry (16.88 kB)
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    Program-Search (2.58 kB)
    Program-Search (2.60 kB)
    Program-Search (2.60 kB)
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    Program : Show Entry (27.20 kB)
    Program : Show Entry (28.62 kB)
    Program : Show Entry (28.63 kB)
    Program : Show Entry (28.12 kB)
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    Program : Edit & Delete (2.42 kB)
    µÔ´µèÍàÃÒ (0.99 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (12.90 kB)
    Program : Edit&Delete Processing (6.82 kB)
    Program-opioid (0.77 kB)
    openWYSIWYG | Select Color (5.17 kB)
    Program : New Entry (16.53 kB)
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    Program-Search (2.69 kB)
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       singapore - Development (3.07 kB)
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       singapore - Translation (19.34 kB)
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       singapore setup (5.43 kB)
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             language_cp.php (23.58 kB)
             language.php (1.65 kB)
             language_cp.php (19.54 kB)
             language.php (1.50 kB)
             language_cp.php (18.41 kB)
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          Add image... (1.79 kB)
          addimage.php (0.38 kB)
          Add hyperlink... (1.34 kB)
          addlink.php (0.38 kB)
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          Xpression News :: Emoticons (0.86 kB)
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       Xpression News - The Ultimate News System (2.45 kB)
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