Part III. Common features

This part will describe the common features for all graphs as well as explaining the structure of a typical graph script. After reading through this part the user should have a basic understanding how to create simple graph scripts and understand what core settings and naming conventions are used.

Table of Contents

12. Commonalities for all graphs
12.1. Common objects for cartesian graphs (x-, y-graphs)
12.2. Common object for Pie Graphs
13. Getting hold of the data to be displayed
13.1. Static data
13.2. Reading data from a file
13.3. Sending data to a graph script with URI arguments (GET and POST)
13.3.1. Using GET arguments
13.3.2. Using a POST request
13.4. Reading data from a database
13.5. Reading binary data from a file
13.6. Different types of NULL data handling
13.7. Troubleshooting input data
14. Common features for all Cartesian (x,y) graph types
14.1. The definition of linear graphs
14.1.1. Axis and coordinate systems
14.1.2. Adjusting the axis look and feel
14.1.3. Adding grid lines in the plot
14.1.4. Predefined scientific axis setups
14.1.5. Other possible ways to position the axis
14.2. Specifying and formatting the overall displayed graph
14.2.1. Adjusting size, margins and frame
14.2.2. Adding drop shadow to the graph
14.2.3. Formatting and specifying the titles of the graph
14.2.4. Specifying the image format to use
14.2.5. Generic line formatting
14.2.6. Adding a footer to the graph
14.2.7. Adding timing of graphs
14.3. Adjusting the look and feel of the plot area
14.3.1. Plot area and margin areas
14.3.2. Clipping to the plot area
14.4. Adjusting the position and layout of the legend
14.5. Other formatting options of the axis
14.5.1. Adjusting and positioning titles on the axis
14.5.2. Adjusting the font and color of the title
14.6. Using multiple y-axis
14.6.1. Adding additional y-axis
14.6.2. Using CSIM together with multiple y-axis
14.6.3. Restrictions with multiple y-axis
14.7. Understanding and using different scales on the axis
14.7.1. Different scale types
14.7.2. Manual vs automatic scale handling
14.7.3. Major and minor ticks
14.8. Adjusting the appearance of the scale labels
14.8.1. Adjusting the position
14.8.2. Adjusting font and color
14.8.3. Adjusting the background of the labels
14.8.4. Hiding and rotating labels
14.8.5. Fine tuning the automatic scales
14.8.6. Manually altering the appearance of tick marks
14.8.7. Manually specifying scale labels
14.8.8. Emphasize of parts of the scale
14.8.9. Adding static lines for specific scale values in the graph
14.9. Using a logarithmic scale
14.10. Using a date/time scale
14.10.1. Specifying the input data
14.10.2. Adjusting the start and end date alignment
14.10.3. Manually adjusting the ticks
14.10.4. Adjusting the label format
14.10.5. Adjusting the automatic density of date labels
14.10.6. Creating a date/time scale with a manual label call-back
14.10.7. Using the "DateScaleUtils" class to make manual date scale
14.10.8. When to use manual and when to use automatic date scale?
14.11. Adding shearing image transformation to the graph
14.12. Rotating graphs
14.12.1. Free rotation of the plot area
14.12.2. Rotating the plot area 90 degree
14.13. Using anti-aliasing in the graph generation
14.13.1. Anti-aliasing for line drawing graphs
14.13.2. Anti-aliasing in pie graphs
14.13.3. Anti-aliasing in Windrose plots
14.13.4. Anti-aliasing for Contour plots
14.14. Adding icons (and small images) to the graph
14.15. Adding images and country flags to the background of the graph
14.15.1. Using country flags as backgrounds
14.16. Using background gradients
14.16.1. Generating gradient background off-line
14.17. Adding arbitrary texts to the graph